By Kenneth O. Peterman
Exhortation is a gift or ability from God with one purpose to accomplish and one destiny to fulfill. It is a gift that is not afraid to get down and dirty; a gift that rolls up its sleeves and goes to work; a gift that has no class distinctions, no racial problems, no gender barriers; a gift for all times and all seasons. If you have this gift, hold on to your hat because you are in for a wild ride.
Too often spiritual gifts are either ignored or exploited. While there has been a recent emphasis on the exercise of spiritual gifts in some denominations, there has not been an adequate stress on defining gifts from God's word. Vaguely defined gifts are as hard to handle as the proverbial loose cannon. As long as leaders talk in generalities about spiritual gifts, the longer it will take the church to function as God intended.
Another obvious problem regarding gifts is the tendency for the church to elevate some gifts above others. Many claim to have the gift of pastor/teacher, teacher, or evangelist because these platform gifts are usually recognized and accepted as leadership roles in the local church.
These platform gifts are sought after probably because they are usually the only ones clearly defined. While these gifts are very important, we dare not forget to utilize the other spiritual gifts as well. A few examples of other gifts include: giving, governments, exhortation, helps, showing mercy, faith, and healing (Romans 12:-8; I Corinthians 12:28-30).
Since God, the Father, gave all the gifts to men through the Lord Jesus Christ, none should be ignored. Exercising each gift of the Spirit should be a satisfying and powerful experience. God gives no second-class spiritual gifts to the Church.
The book, ENCOURAGE OTHERS: A User's Guide to the Spiritual Gift of Exhortation defines the gift of exhortation from an inductive study of the text of Scripture, and then shows its great potential for ministry to the body of Christ.
The term exhortation has been both misunderstood and misapplied too often. For many it conjures up images of the emotional hysteria associated with "hell-fire and brimstone" preaching. Certainly no one would quarrel with a preacher speaking to the sins of the day, but to label such activity as the function of the gift of exhortation is unacceptable. This book provides a simple and uncomplicated definition of this gift, one that is easily understood and readily applied.
Believers today are no longer satisfied with being mere by-standers; they want to be involved and active in the arena of faith. The exercise of spiritual gifts provides the means for each believer to have a vital ministry to the body.
If you want to help others in spiritual ways, this book is for you. It explains how to exhort or comfort in very practical terms. Anxious and troubled people in the church (and, perhaps, in your own family) long to have their needs met through the ministry of a biblical exhorter. Learn how to comfort others now!
For further information about this subject, order Dr. Peterman's E-Book entitled ENCOURAGE OTHERS - A User's Guide to the Spiritual Gift of Exhortation. Click on the book title at the top of the page under heading E-Books by author.
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